Cornice Portable Activated

  • Software Name: Cornice Portable
  • Date Updated: A Day Ago
  • Operating System Requirement: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11
  • App License: Open Source (GPL)
  • Source:  Alberto Griggio

Cornice Description:

Cornice Portable is a free image viewer that’s easy to use and comes with many cool features:

  • You can look at pictures in full detail or as small previews.
  • It can automatically recognize different types of image files.
  • You can save your favorite images as bookmarks.
  • It lets you see images in full screen.
  • You can make images bigger or smaller and rotate them.
  • It has a slideshow feature to see images one after the other.
  • It’s easy to use with just the keyboard.
  • You can even open pictures that are inside zip files.
  • It can show you special camera information for each photo.

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Password: portablesofts

Common Questions

How to install Portable Cornice Premium Unlocked?

To install a Cornice portable, just browse to the location of the CornicePortable_x.x.paf.exe file you downloaded. Double-click the file to start the installation. Follow the on-screen prompts and select the destination for installation. Within the directory you select, a CornicePortable directory will be created containing the portable software.

Note that installing to the C:\Program Files or equivalent is not supported.

How to Uninstall Portable Cornice?

If you want to uninstall CornicePortable, you just delete the directory where it is installed.

How to Use Portable Cornice?

Browse to the directory you installed the CornicePortable, then double-click the CornicePortable.exe file. Then, just use the software as you’d use the other simple version of the software.

How to update Portable Cornice?

Download the latest version of the software you want to install. Open the new CornicePortable for installation and choose your parent directory (where the older version is installed). For example, if the software is within D:\PortableSofts\CornicePortable, you’d want to select the D:\PortableSofts.

In this way your data and settings for this app will not be deleted.

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